Hard to believe Fall is here! Jonah is 6 and he started 1st Grade at Highland Elementary in Sylvania and he loves it. Jacoby is 8 months and is at JMLC following in his big brother's footsteps. They are growing up so fast!! He is crawling like crazy and pulling up on furniture, oh boy!
Who would have thought that twice in one month the whole family would be together, it is wonderful!! We also thankful and very excited that we are going to have a cousin for Jonah, Kristen and Mike are expecting a little girl in May, we could not be more happy for them!!
There were so many toys for Jonah to look at, he was overloaded. I think that the sweeper Auntie Lori and Uncle Matt got him was his favorite. I hope that his love for cleaning continues throughout his teen years, not likely though!!
The boys had a GREAT time ripping open presents and throwing the paper EVERYWHERE! It was every boy for himself and NO present was left untouched. We were all wishing we could have the excitement the children have at Christmas, it was precious!
We had a great time looking at all of the Christmas animations at the Rec. Center. Jonah was amazed by all of the lights and all of the people around him. His cousins did a good job keeping helping him see everything. We also paid a visit to Santa and he had a few short minutes of complete silence staring into his eyes then looked at me as if to say "Who is this crazy looking man?" Over all, he did very well with him, we were impressed.
Jonah could not believe his eyes when he came down this morning. There was a tree in his living room, how did that happen? He is fascinated with the lights but amazingly gentle with the tree. His reaction was priceless!
We went to Cleveland for a Meyers family gathering, it was sooo much fun. Jonah came with the entire family for a bus tour of Cleveland and the family's old stomping grounds. He did very well being passed around to every one.
Jonah loved rubbing the glitter off of the ornaments and all over his body. He was very shiny! I'm sure the Geneva Lodge didn't appreciate the gliter all over the floor but at least the tree was still standing. Daddy was not real happy havinng his son covered in glitter but oh, well....Grandma did it!!
Jonah loved spending time with his Aunts Kristen and Lori and his Uncles Mike and Matt. He was in heaven having so many people to play with at the same time. I cannot wait until he has a cousin to share the Meyers family gatherings with. (Only five months to wait, right Aunt Kristen!)