Hard to believe Fall is here! Jonah is 6 and he started 1st Grade at Highland Elementary in Sylvania and he loves it. Jacoby is 8 months and is at JMLC following in his big brother's footsteps. They are growing up so fast!! He is crawling like crazy and pulling up on furniture, oh boy!
Thanks to cousin Ben, Jonah has a cute hand-me-down costume. Tigger never looked so cute!! We took advantage of the beautiful weather and had a great photo shoot on the porch with the pumpkins and the straw.
Jonah looked so handsome in his Christening outfit. He wore the little tuxedo, white shoes with crosses on them from John and I. He has a necklace from Aunt Kristen and Uncle Mike He also had a cross pin and a white blanket from Antie Lori. He almost grew out of it before he wore it!
On October 22 Jonah had his Baptism. He slept through the entire mass and even the actual Baptism. The only time he began to cry was when we wanted to take pictures. We hope that this might help to "cure" his colic, we'll see.
My little boy is growing so fast, he is looking more like my little man. He is holding his head up very well and he loves to try and roll over from his belly to his back, which he does successfully sometimes. I can't believe he is over two months old already.
What a fun day at the Orchard. Jonah had a great first time picking apples. Well, he slept most of the time but, it made our time more enjoyable. He looked so cute in his Osh Kosh overalls!
Jonah is now 9 weeks old and he weighs 14.6 pounds and is 23.5 inches long, what a bruiser!Finally, he likes to play by himself for 20 minutes or so. It is nice not to hear him screaming every time I set him down. I love hearing his coos and funny noises.